Our Company

Welcome to Discountcode.com, a place to shop with simplicity and savings to get the latest deals online. Discountcode.com gathers discount codes and coupons from leading brands and retailers to give shoppers a better online shopping experience. Managed by an experienced U.S. savings company located in Santa Monica, CA, Discountcode.com provides knowledge and expertise in online shopping to give users the ultimate savings on products and services in Australia.

With deals from your favorite brands, Discountcode.com has up to date coupon codes and discounts on fashion for men and women, travel, electronics and technology, health and beauty, and much more. Simply shop online, add items to your cart, and check Discountcode.com for discount codes and coupons to use at check out.

As experts in online shopping, Discountcode.com works with partner and affiliate programs to connect brands with their online shoppers to get the latest in discounts and savings. Through individual specialized campaigns Discountcode.com develops relationships with online shoppers and a variety of merchants. If you are a retailer and you are interested in working with an expert team to share your discount codes and offers with users contact us at support@surfmyads.com for information on advertising opportunities.

It is our mission to create a better online shopping experience by providing people with online coupons and help them save money.

855 El Camino Real,
Ste 13A-400
Palo Alto, CA, 94391